Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bros in Space

Alright bros, pop some Stouffer's in the microwave and get comfortable - shit's about to get real.

Someone just designed a suit specifically for the purpose of having sex in space. Zero gravity boning. Laying pipe among the stars. The cosmic bork.

Imagine that.

Keep going.

Okay, cut it the fuck out bro. Danny DeVito. Rosie O'Donnell. Alright, we cool? Cool. Don't worry, same thing happened to me. Anyway, if your ass doesn't grip leather like a cowboy when you read the words "space sex," this blog isn't for you.

In 800 BC, the poet Bromer tells us that the Greeks pulled a clutch move and just decided everyone was gonna take baths together naked. In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and found out that there were islands full of chicks who dug his maneuvs and didn't spend the next 4 centuries being like the Bronte sisters. Space is the next frontier on the eternal prowl. Infinity is a long ways, bros, and now it's prime territory to get your looks in. Blast off.

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